Research Chin Motion
by chinwhat at 8:00 p.m.
So I hit the regal (beagle) Holiday Inn on King Street to check out the RIM career fair. Seriously, the applicants do NOT play! I saw a few resumes and they were STACKED full of shit I didn’t even know. All I could think of was “Damn, look at all these ComStars!” And aside from the resumes, how did I know they were ComStars? None of their outfits matched! *pops collar* Anyways, after a solid twenty five minute wait, I get in and decide to talk to one of the tech support people. I figure I’d be able to swing in that department, right? “Damn homie!” © 50 Cent. I got hardcore denied! Like Mount Mutombo in his prime. I got the finger wave and everything! So as she’s explaining to me why I suck, I start thinking: “damn, why’s it getting so hot in here?” Ya’ll know what happens next right? Sweating and shit… damn, I got owned! So what did they need for tech support? Lotus Domino IRT and Novell GroupWise IRT experience. What the fu(k are these?? No wonder I’m unemployed! I got pretty rattled, but decided to man up and head over to the manufacturing table. I mean, I like taking stuff apart… or something… Talk to some brown chick and it went okay. I think I was still shaken up by the tech support incident. Should’ve dropped a “namaste” on her ass. Oh well. *crosses fingers* But one funny thing did happen though. There were a whole gang of folks lining up at the marketing, sales & finance table. As I walked by I made a *snort* *snort* noise that a (sales) pig would make... alright, I didn’t actually do that, but I laughed out loud while I thought about it!
After that, I swung by Cathy's place of employment to drop something off. Yo Cathy, what's up with your co-workers? (T)Sahai asking me shady questions? Kumonon (DIGIVOLVE!) looking me up and down? WTF? That's not kosher, baby!
After that, I swung by Cathy's place of employment to drop something off. Yo Cathy, what's up with your co-workers? (T)Sahai asking me shady questions? Kumonon (DIGIVOLVE!) looking me up and down? WTF? That's not kosher, baby!