Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Cathy!

by chinwhat at 7:48 a.m.
Damn Cathy, you're old! Not as old as Jon, but still pretty old! Happy Birthday!


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

>snap< (cont’d)

by chinwhat at 9:09 p.m.
“Who’s that?” you ask? A few months back my sister told me that, allegedly, there was a new VJ on Much. Since I don’t watch that much television (fuck off. I don’t fuckers! Except for The Office and Scurbs. “That show’s hilarious!”) I never had a chance to see if it was true. This morning, I’m going through my normal routine of reading the local fish wrap over breakfast and in the entertainment section, they had a section on a Hanna Simone, Much’s new VJ! The article was quite complimentary. Dreamy? Most definitely! Not only does she have a beautiful exotic look, but her background is heavy on social issues! Fuck these selfish bitches, I’m all about this one right hurrrr!

“Are your eye’s still green girl?” – Common Sense


As an aside, I’ve decided to link all my chummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmps with at least one song per post (until I get lazy). Does megaupload work for everyone? I’d use but the links don’t last forever. (Forever? Forever ever? Forever ever?!) Let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I’ll register for a domain and host it that way. But so far, free is good for me.


by chinwhat at 7:40 a.m.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Moving Along…

by chinwhat at 10:37 p.m.
Today, as mentioned to me, is month number cuatro since The Unfortunate Dumping of Chin. Four months, which is longer than the time Summer and I have been actually going out. I’m sure most average human beings would be able to shake off their former SO with ease. But that’s not the case with me. This has me wondering: “what is my malfunction?”

Just Need Some Convincin’

My brain seems to work fine. I *know* it won’t work out. I'm not that stupid (really)! Mathematical probability is not on my side. Universal law, son. Yet, the rest of me doesn’t seem to “get it.” There was a time when I could convince myself of anything. I’d repeat it over and over and over again, and like magic, it becomes the truth.* But not so much now. My brain’s power of influence doesn’t seem to have that control over the rest of me. Why, why, why??? (man up!)

To Emote Physicality

I felt it. I felt it in my chest. Physically. I used to see it on tv. I didn’t get it. Now I do. ‘Cause I felt it. In the middle of my chest. In the middle. Felt it! The best way someone else could explain it; listen to what Umi Says. Sometimes his heart gets heavy. Now I get it…

Shine shine shine like gold mine

Even though I still have some Oh! Darling in me (by the way, this would be such a SICK song to Karaoke to. I’d pull a Gerald Levert and be on my knees, rolling around the ground and yelling like I’ve got a demon inside me!) I also know I got more Here Comes The Sun. Why? Cause I got my Trusty Good Ol’ Chin Charm! I'm trying to get excited! Sure, I'll drop another "being friends is a good second prize" (how many more times will I say this in my life?) but I can't wait for what's next. As ai says "I got lots of lovin', I just don't know where to put it"

More tomorrow… always tomorrow…

WAR Abbey Road
WAR 2nd place
WAR futurama

*this is one reason why i'm such a great liar! study your notes, kids!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

L for Sony

by chinwhat at 8:20 p.m.
The big video game expo has come and gone and based on a lot of media coverage, its pretty much a consensus that everyone was shocked at: how strong Nintendo came, how uncrappy MS showed and how shitty Sony performed. Needless to say, fanboys for all consoles were going at it. The best reaction so far is this clip of Sony’s press conference. Hilarity!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

There's A Drunkst In The Water

by chinwhat at 7:48 p.m.

Fer Chin, xoxo, love SC.

Gollum er Kirsten Dunst
scared the sharks away as she went in for a little dip in the ocean near Cannes on Monday. A little sun will do her good. And a new hair color. And some better posture. And some new teeth. And a new face!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fight! Fight! Fight!

by chinwhat at 10:24 p.m.
Thursday was the first night for the open to the public Lacoste shoe sale up at the International Centre. I wish I was there. Remember in Star Wars when the Death Star blew that planet up and Obi Wan felt it? That was me right at 11:00 at work. I actually FELT the rush of people grabbing shoes from each other. I received confirmation of crazy ass stories from Cathy and my sister when I got home. Michelle getting clothes lined? My sister getting stalked? My sister told me her friend Lil took a pair of shoes she didn’t need and tossed it in the middle of a bunch of women. Needless to say, they pounced on it like a tiger on a baby gazelle. I need some of that action! Saturday, Sunday maybe even Monday I’ll go. It’s been a while since I bought some kicks… What? Sure, I bought two last month. That’s a looooooooong time for me!

-Chinelda Marcos

Cavs v Pistons: Game 5

by chinwhat at 7:57 a.m.
All i know is my dad was laughing like a little girl when he saw this at the end of the game.

Cleveland got the W, but Damon Jones caught an L! laugh!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Fire Fete 3/Son of a Bleach!!!

by chinwhat at 9:35 p.m.
Last month, I went to Fire Fete 3 with my sister and my classmate Caroline. We got in for free (thanks Ryan!) and enjoyed the sweet sweet sounds of Patrice Roberts (who’s kinda sexy despite looking a little grizzly) and Machel Montano. As you can tell by the pics, it was mad fun and mad black people! For those who don’t like going to clubs because the “African’s don’t wear deodorant”, well, I feel sorry for you because you’re missing out! Also, I’d like to mention that I’d like to be some sort of rock star. Why? Well, during the show, Machel would be singing at the edge of the stage, crouching low enough just so some ladies could start grabbing and rubbing on his crotch. Awesome? Yes indeeddy.What was also awesome was having the whole crowd surge left, right, back or forward. Unfortunately, not everyone thought it was that great. Sure, it was fun for everyone who was able to keep up… but for those who couldn’t, oy! I was at the back of one of the big groups as they ran/pushed backwards. As they went back towards the stage, I noticed a pile up near the sound board. People started to get off of people. At the bottom? Some girls grabbing their heads! Have you ever read Archie comics? I’m sure there was a time when the Riverdale kids were on a bus when it went off a cliff or something. Everyone survived of course, but you could see illustrations of Veronica and Betty grabbing their heads as they made their way out of the wreck… Yeah, that’s what these girls looked like. Also, I noticed at one point, someone’s pink running shoe on the floor. That’s how wild it got! Someone lost their shoe! Their fucking shoe! This ladies shoe wasn't the only to suffer devistating loss though. Mine got mashed up pretty good. Fortunately, I was able to detail it back to health.
All in all, a great time. But, that was the last time I was able to wear my nice white and green shirt. Why? Because my dad straight fucked it up! Upset? Fucking right I’m upset! He mixed it in with the white load and bleached it out. >sigh< I guess I’ll try and bleach it so it’ll be even, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sport Makes One Arrogant

by chinwhat at 7:27 p.m.
*** arrogant disclaimer: Chin will be referring to himself in third person ***

Last Sunday Chin did the Yonge Street 10K for the second year and Chin has to say, this is his second favorite run of the year (the first being The United Way’s The Great Neighbourhood Race. Free food? Microsoft prize packs including wireless mice? Done and done! Last year’s pics.) Despite having to drag Ruby by her heels, they were still able to beat the time set last year by a broken Chris and a broken Chin. It’s funny how the following was able to motivate Chin during the race: Giant picture of Chin’s girl Aliya by the studio where MTVLive is filmed; thunderous war drums, Calypso and the sweet sweet sound of steel pan; passing by the Brass Rail and seeing the big poster of that brown stripper’s face. But most of all, Chin was excited for brunch with the Torreno’s at The Hot House Café… that was until they got there and found out there was an hour wait. Fuck! Chin waited a whole year for that, now Chin has to wait another year? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt…

Wednesday marked Chin’s first softball game. As excited as Chin is to face Shaun and his “Megabytes” later on this summer, Chin has to say that this “sport” is really really boring. Chin’s team got touched up 17 – 10 in a practice game vs Chin's company's corporate team. Chin thinks that it’s pretty much people hanging out after work. The difference is that there's drinking with some softball in the middle of it. Drinking before AND after the game? Psh… I guess…

Finally, last Thursday marked the first week for Chris and Chin’s Spring Beach Volleyball League down at The Beaches. Sure it was rainy. Sure it was cold. Did they care? Yes, but they went anyways. Surprisingly, there was a strong turn out. Chris and Chin were finally able to find their team and they were quite happy. Why? Well, Chin was happy because they were gamers. Despite the weather, the team came out to play. Why was Chris happy? Two words: ‘three’ and ‘blondes’. Chin felt bad for Shaun since he would have most definitely appreciated it. But Chin also knows that Chris is happy Shaun gave up on volleyball because if Shaun was there, he’d be cockblocking Chris on all three. And who knows, there could even be a fourth blonde since one member didn’t show up. Chin is now pretty excited for Thursdays. Sure, Chin isn’t as excited for Thursdays as he was for Mondays a few months ago, but it’s still something for him to look forward to. Unfortunately, Chin has a little work to do. Chin is a little paranoid that he came off looking really homosexual. How you ask? Well, everything Chin and Chris mentioned in a professional or extra curricular nature seemed to always involve each other. They knew each other from high school. They’ve run races together. They play video games together (Chris, why’d you feel you had to mention this???). They’re both in the IT profession. Both are involved with Pharmaceuticals in some fashion. Chris also mentioned that Chin loves sample sales (which admittedly, he does). Needless to say, Chin’ll be pouring on some extra testosterone out there. “Oh, Chin’s ex girlfriend once went crazy at an NBA All Star game party” etc etc etc. In theory, Chris does not have to worry about his homosexual rating with our team. He does however need to worry about his chauvinist rating as he dropped this gem on one of the blondies who’s past employment was a purchaser for female fashion: “I endorse you buying skimpy clothing.” Needless to say, they were NOT impressed. >smacks Chris in the back of the head<

And lastly, hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. To quote Group Home:

Always love your mother cause you’ll never get another

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


by chinwhat at 10:04 p.m.
The new Nelly Furtado song Promiscuous is getting crazy rotation everywhere! Seen the video? Fucking Timbaland is fucking Jacked UP as fuck! Fuck! Too bad the song ain’t that great. The hooks good, but the lyrics are ass… oh wait, no one listens to lyrics, my bad!

Anywho, since the Torreno’s didn’t see that Chingy video with Keshia (aka Rudy Huxtable) in it, here it is. She done grown up, no? But not as grown as Ashley Banks errrrr Tatyana Ali. All praise Allah!

Sunday, May 07, 2006


by chinwhat at 4:59 p.m.
When the company I currently work for used to be small, they occasionally held trivia nights after work held a local watering hole. Although the draw isn’t as big as it used to be, old schoolers continue the tradition. Last Thursday, they held the first session for the year and I decided to get in on it. It was I and some other of the young guns as a group and unfortunately, our youth was our weakness. There were some questions that were pretty old school that I don’t think we would’ve known them unless we studied in advance for them.

But that doesn’t excuse the brick of an answer I had for this question: “How high is a basketball rim?” My answer? Nine feet. D’oh! What good am I if I can’t get that!? Waste!

Although, I should’ve made up for it with this witty answer to: “Who was the AK-47 named after?” – which was “Andrei Kirilenko” – I didn’t. All I got after dropping that bomb was >cricket< >cricket<. Son, that's a 'good times' answer! Sigh… what a waste!

All in all, it was pretty fun despite coming in second last, and us going zero for four in potential door prize drawings. Damn, we need a ringer.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Just Came

by chinwhat at 8:44 p.m.

I'm beating off across my computer monitor as we speak. I am coming hot streams of milky white semen right across my screen. I am imagining a bloated Carrie Fisher squeezing my nipples with George Lucas' finger up my ass right now as with each stroke I fire load after load of steaming hot and salty sperm across my computer. OH GOD, USE THE FORCE, LUUUUUUUUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

You’ll See it When You Believe it!

by chinwhat at 7:47 a.m.
And believe it you will! My aunt and uncle went to the Philippines last week. That means someone has to go there and feed the fishys. Who wants to come? Oh, and did I mention that this is the aunt and uncle with floor to ceiling stuff? Only a path wide enough to walk through single file… sideways! Don’t believe me? Ask ai! Or, you can come with me while I make sure the fishes are still alive. Also, the last time we went, we were able to get some free movies. They have so much stuff, we took some movies and I don’t think they noticed. The movies were Finding Nemo and that James Bond movie: Die Another Day. Come and be amazed! Oh, and no photos please!