This past Saturday, JonJon’s younger sister Christina tied the knot with Daveyboy. Congratulations! The reception was really nice! Noteables:
- the food was awesome! When I mentioned this to Jon, he said that Christina was a food snob, but not as big a food snob as me. What the fuck?
- open bar pwns. Drinking a lot at the party is good… Not so good the next morning though. Uggggggghhhhhhhh! What makes it worse is being in church too...
- good news for Jon. He didn’t flame out during his speech. Sorry Shuan, you still have that distinction for worst TeamID speech thus far
- I was quite impressed by the play and video presentation put on by the wedding party/friends. I almost feel the next wedding presentation that we do will have to be stepped up
- Korean’s don’t like to get down? Right after the floor was opened for dancing, I noticed half of the people were gone with more quietly leaving. It’s a party, people are supposed to be dancing, aren’t they? …
- … that’s okay though, the Damon Jones and LeBron James imitators were pretty good
- drunkingly throwing grapes at Al was fun
- ai’s imaginary girlfriend wasn’t all that imaginary after all!
- funniest comments all night: “Why is Chris’ date look so miserable? Someone tell her to cheer the fuck up!!” © Al Torreno. So angry Al!
- funniest moment: when Christina’s speech focused on Jon (which was really touching – no homo) and she described him as “righteous”. Good ol’ ai laughed out loud! Hahahhhaaha!~!!!
- almost got into a cat fight “Bitch!” confrontation – if Al wore the same shoes as me, well, it'd be on!
- i liked Christina's hair.
- maid of honour’s speech admitting that people question her sexual orientation… even her parents. Laugh! Awesome!
- best punkage: gwai lo groomsman asking the groom some Korean definitions. “the point is neither of us can speak Korean” >insert BIG Charlie Murphy laugh here<
- Shaun, you REALLY need to step your tie game up. Who the fuck tied that for you? Oh yeah, I did… but when? Just imagine how much MORE you could sell with a properly tied tie!
All in all, a lovely reception. I enjoy weddings. On the quiet cab ride home, I reflected (in a drunken way) how beautiful marriage it is. Imagine the most evilest people you could you think ever (I’d guess ai and female (or not female) Hitler). If they married, I’m sure them and their family would be happy right? Here are the pictures I have (
flickr (in wack order) or
zipped). For some reason, it seems like I have less than I should…
WAR weddings