Friday, November 28, 2008

Jade Raymod was on my flight!

by chinwhat at 9:05 p.m.
Sitting on my flight to Montreal w/the gf and I notice some lady walking down the isle towards us... >in my best D. Chappelle voice< "wait, is that... Jade Raymond?!"

Yup, THAT Jade Raymond!
Yup, that Jade Raymond that did Assassin's Creed.
Yup, that Jade Raymond that's every fanboy's wet dream.
Yup, the "Its a trap!" Jade Raymond.


Friday, November 07, 2008

UnGears of War 2

by chinwhat at 12:37 a.m.
Gears of War 2. One of the most highly anticipated games to be released this year came out today. I decided to pull a page out of Al's play book and book some time off work to get some quality time w/the new toy. Maybe even pull an all nighter...

I just got back from the midnight launch w/Dr. T (who i haven't seen since his bday thanks to Jubilee) (also, who didn't get a copy btw. G-A-Y) ... and right now, i'm sitting on my couch, thinking about playing the game, but i know better. After a full day of work, my ass is tired... i'm going to bed instead.

is this what happens as you get older? damn me and my prioritizing sleep...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

CNN Uses the Force!

by chinwhat at 9:09 p.m.
Tonight's the big election thingy down south and the Maningas family's been channel surfing between the big Four (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN) + one (FoxNews). By far, CNN has the best presentation. When we first tuned in, we saw a >ahem< "hologram" interview with one of their correspondents. A hologram. A fucking hologram! The lady had a blue aura around her as the studio cam slowly panned around. It looked so shitty... yet so bad ass. It's like Anakin showing up at the Ewok party on Endor!

Not only does CNN FTW, but they were rocking a multi point touch screen with someone who knew how to use it...

... versus CBS who had Katie Couric who was finger pounding her screen so hard on her display even my dad could hear it!

On ABC, it looked like they had no idea how their computers worked... its like they were in total retard mode.

I don't know who approved the 1999 cg for NBC, but that set piece looked fucking old! A coliseum background? GTFOOH! Shit was terrible!

And FoxNews was well... FoxNews...

But by far, the best thing i saw all night was an brief interview in GrandPark where the 'Bama Party will be held. One of the field reporters speaks with a local citizen who drops this gem as she's thanked for her time "...and big ups to Obama"