Before TeamID hit up the state of Maryland, we needed to make a quick stop for some snackage at the friendly neighborhood WalMart.
Now I don’t know who said it was a good recipe, or idea, or QA test allowance, but the house brand chocolate covered almonds that were purchased is pure disgusting (in a bad way). The ingredients list have ‘cocoa powder’ as the eighth ingredient. Eighth! No wonder this shit tastes like shampoo!
On the ride down, I don’t know what was up with Shaunjay, but he must’ve just finished up watching some gay porn (which would explain the sore arm and late night he had). He mentioned on two separate occasions that he wanted me to give ai a blow job.
What? Really? Do you want to watch or something? That’s disgusting!
After getting there at night, we drove around downtown coming across funny street names, looking for some gel (not sure why I got in trouble for not having any considering my hair isn’t long enough to actually style) and noticing the separation between black and white party districts (with a police department conveniently between them).
Finally reaching our beds some time past 1am, I quickly fell asleep only to be woken up by Shaunjay “I don’t snore anymore”/”I don’t snore as much” ‘s…. yup, snoring.
I admit, I was kinda mad. I threw my pillow at him and it shut him up for about 10min which was pleasantly a lot longer than I expected. But then, back to his snoring.
So then I get up take a look at his topless body and kick the side of his mattress.
Startled he gets up. “Chin?!?” followed by a confused pause.
“Yo, sleep on your stomach” I replied. (*apparently*, if he does that, he doesn’t snore anymore)
Dazed, Shaunjay says, “I thought someone was going to get me”
I laugh, “Sleep on your stomach, man”
“Sorry, yo” He lays on his stomach and 30 seconds later…. “snnooooooore”
ai and I woke up early (because Shaunjay was still snoring) and noticed that the snorer’s thumb was in his mouth. Which led me to wonder: how does a person snore when he’s sucking on his thumb?
As revenge, a picture was taken of the "snoring manbaby" but I won’t put it up on here. That just wouldn’t be right. But if you want it, let me know I’ll let the graciousness of the internet show you the photo.
Today: The Bromance goes to look for some grub and to a ball game, but most importantly, two pairs of ear plugs.