Monday, March 26, 2007

Armed with $11.50...

by chinwhat at 10:04 p.m.
... this is what i was able to stuff my pie hole with on Saturday when i went to Kensington Market

two bean and cheese papusas. There's only one pictured, cuz i destroyed one when i got it. Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeee licious!

next was a burger from that meat market. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm! Beefy!

I also got a couple of squares from the bakery. A triple chocolate brownie and a berry cheese cake. i didn't get a chance to take a picture cuz i ate them too fast...

and to wash it all down, mystery China drink. >pats full stomach<

(okay, this isn't a 'real' post. its just a test post to see how my phone cam works...)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Run On...

by chinwhat at 9:23 p.m.
One month bitches. who's gonna do the worst(est)? We'll find out soon enough. i can't fucking wait! how does this sound: i calculate who won/lost but i don't tell anyone. we go out, agree on a restaurant, have dinner. when the bills come, i pull out the envelopes to see who foots the bills. it'll be like another awards ceremony. good, no? fucking brilliant!

and since Ruby's crying, shout out to you. even though you're probably going to sell out - but prove me wrong Rubes. Prove. Me. Wrong!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Happy Chinese New Years!

by chinwhat at 8:48 p.m.
Sure, i'm weeks late, but to share is to care. Here's Clipse's Chinese New Years

You might (or might not) be asking "Yo Chin, why've you been loafting on the updating?" Well, I had situations with my two hard drives. Yup, the one i used on the regular and the one i had as my backup. I was basically shitting my pants cuz i thought I may have lost up to three months of data. And if you're not going to listen to me, then at least listen to (a censored version) Juvenile: Back That Thang Up!

and props to Aanchal for keeping my hits up in between updates! hahaha