You Know When You’re Old(er) When…
by chinwhat at 9:57 p.m.
Does anyone remember a lumberjack one? I *think* it was to a lumberjack song (not the Monty Python one) and it was an animated short on this lumberjack (duh!) who was balancing on this log as it floated down the river. He “had a red and black lumberjack (jacket), with a hat to match” and one of those spear thingys that had a point and a hook at the end. Anyone? (edit: Here it is. Thanks Shaun!!)
These are the fine folks who help bring that short Cat Came Back joint by Cordell Barker a few years ago. I fucking loved that joint!
Ah National Film Board of Canada, who knew you could instill such patriotism with (sometimes) crude, yet visually stunning animations? I should’ve saved this bitch for Canada Day!
This shit is so classic!
WAR stop motion animation
WAR 1978. It was a good year!
WAR Indian (feather) Education

Holy shit I know exactly what you are talking about, that funny cartoon with the lumber jack in this old school animation....
my bad I just checked the link and it was the wrong lumberjack bit hahah how many of them could their be???
alison, your comment is "fit. for the pit"
Oh snap! That video - log driver -- is sooo ghetto.. it's not even funny!
And she was a "whore" -- look at all them people she "danced" with!
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