Charity Dinner – June 2, 2006
by chinwhat at 9:21 p.m.
Some school friends are part of this charity organization called Everybody Cares Foundation. They’re a group that has putting on a bunch of different events to raise money for needy and worth while causes. On Friday June 2nd, they have a charity dinner that will help raise funds for a school building project in Kenya. I’ve heard the food is good and the dancing is fun. Thread the needle anyone? It's being held at the Woodbine Banquet Hall which is nice. I’ve pretty much decided I’m going (75% down), so who else wants to go? If anyone's interested in some good brown fun (we all know I'm down!) while helping out a good cause let me know, I'll arrange for some tickets. (Memo to Aman and Aanchal, since I’m pimping this on my blog, I get to go for free right? No? Damn browns!)

Hey Chin,
Umm was wondering if you are free on June 2, 2006th, umm there's this sort of brown jam thingy going on and umm yeah was wondering if you would want to come with. I know that you like brown and all.
Waiting patiently by her pc screen :)
wait, how you gon invite me to something i invited everyone to first?
no geek I was invited also by Aman I was just gonna invite you so that you wouldn't look sad and stuff by yourself :P
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