So anyway, I’m fucking my wife in her ass, right?
by chinwhat at 9:06 p.m.
The last election, I voted Liberal, fearful of a Conservative government. I credit that to good ol’ LiberalRed fear mongering. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like folks is scurred no mo! The fish wraps says that PCs are going to win. I doubt that. I think Libs are gonna pull it out… at least, so says my trusty invisible Magic8Ball. “Will the right wingers win?” >shake< >shake< >shake< and the mystic ball says “The outcome looks doubtful” Tada! And this is why I think I’ll be voting Ahrange. There’s something about JackieL that I find appealing. The fact he has yellow fever? His moustache? His rugged good looks? Who knows? All I know is I’m checking off (N)ever (D)ie (P)appi.

I want to have jack layton's babies...well, maybe not.
Goooooooooo Liberal Red! :D
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