The annual TeamID 8K Spring Run Off is in less than 90 days. Chris and I both agreed that folks need to come back out and run. But before we could come up with a solution, we had to identify the problem. Was it the fact that the big loser had to pay for dinner? The possibility of craptacular weather? Alleged physical ailments? Was it the fear of punkage? Or something as simple as pure laziness? We weren’t sure, but all we knew was any excuse was a weak one. Think about it: we do this race every year. It’s ALWAYS during the same time in April. It’s not like the race comes up randomly in August or something. We all know the date, we all know the potential weather conditions, and we all know what’s at stake. Everyone has 11 plus months to train and get ready for it so there’s no real good reason to not join in. Anywho, we tried to come up with some alternate strategies to make the draw larger. I propose this one: We have two losers. One takes care of the akahol bill, the other takes care of the food bill (which includes non-akaholic drinks). First place loser pays for the larger one. Now how do we determine the losers? Who ever has the worst improvement from their total race AVERAGE. So if you ran 3 years, you take the average of those three runs and compare that to this years run. Of all of our differences, the two crappiest ones pay up. In my opinion, this has a couple advantages. The first being that this prompts everyone to not necessarily beat others, but to set personal bests for yourself. And who couldn’t use a little personal besting? The second is… uh, I don’t remember. Just fucking come out and run. Stop being such a puss. As long as you don’t crap out the most (or if it’s my scenario, co-crap out) you won’t get punked.

And oh yeah, don’t wear running pants with a rip in them like this stranger or else you’ll have your pic on my blog next year.
that's not right.
Booooooooooo I always come in last hahah I wanna run but damn that means that I have to start training, what's up with that crp
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