Okay, it’s time to teach the babies. Because my taste in women is up here, and your taste is down (doooooown) here, I present to you my top ten list of famous women I find most attractive (as of Aug. 23, 2005). And for my first entry, it’s none other than Gwen Stefani. By far, the sexiest white girl – with or with out breasts – on the planet earth! Unfortunately, she slipped down to the ten spot from as high as seven over the past year for a couple of reasons. First, she’s become a too skinny! She used to have this nice figure, but now, she’s just some boney ass white girl. Second (and most damaging of all) she came out with an album that was straight hot garbage last year. Quite possibly, one of the worst/most disappointing records I’ve ever listened to in my life!!! (People actually like this?!? >looks in Ruby, The Dooch and Sara’s direction< I’d rather listen to BEP’s Bepot song!) Regardless, she’s still pretty hot “no doubt” (very shitty pun intended). Her lips, her big ass smile that's sweet as fuck, her energy, and her sweating all the time – a sign that she works hard. And everyone knows how much I *REALLY* appreciate that in a woman! - all these things earn her way into my top ten list! Congratulations Gwen!
I LOVE GWEN ever since "Don't Speak" came out! Oh man I can sing her songs in my sleep and have vowed to go to her concert/ No Doubt's when they are back in town, that is one chick I wanna see live on stage! Did I mention that her raspy voice is hot also. FYI her album is great it is bubble gummy! :)
I can't wait to see who's next. You got Kirsten Dunst on your list?
memo to al, i do have Kirsten Dunst on a list... but he's on my: "i fucking hate Kursten Dunst Top Ten List" list
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