Things That Chicks Do That Make Them Less Hotter
by chinwhat at 5:34 p.m.
- talk how Juliet Lewis looks – like a dumb blonde
- be conceded >looks in Ruby’s direction<
- horks and spits
- can’t walk in high heels
- listens to really shitty music (“The dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum” © Masta Killah)
- complains to much
- talks to much
- has a ‘princess’ attitude
- acts too neurotic
- start (what would eventually be) a shitty anecdote with "My husband..." (or to a lesser extent "My fiance..." or to an even LESSER extenet "My boyfriend...")
Now if some female does these things, it doesn’t make them unhot, it just decreases their hot ratings.
- be conceded >looks in Ruby’s direction<
- horks and spits
- can’t walk in high heels
- listens to really shitty music (“The dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum” © Masta Killah)
- complains to much
- talks to much
- has a ‘princess’ attitude
- acts too neurotic
- start (what would eventually be) a shitty anecdote with "My husband..." (or to a lesser extent "My fiance..." or to an even LESSER extenet "My boyfriend...")
Now if some female does these things, it doesn’t make them unhot, it just decreases their hot ratings.

Very funny, hahah thank God that I don't have any of these qualities! :P
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