Because of my position at work, I haven’t been this popular since grade eight! As such, I expect more of the following to happen (yes, I realize what happens with expectations): Today, our company’s secretary rolled by and dropped off a nice red tin tied with a nice red bow with a nice Christmas card. I open it up and… I don’t know, the best way I could describe it was: a breeze of thick caramel air just wafted towards my face. I open it up and find a whole supply of home baked goodies (shits good, god!). Now what’s a brother to do??? So far, I’ve never worked at a company where I felt I had to give stuff to anyone a general token of appreciation. I mean, who really expects a broke ass (sexual chocolate) co-op student to spend his nickels and dimes on candy canes? Sure, I could say I’m on contract (and actually making less now than I did at my last co-op job. Yes, pathetic, I know) but that’s not to fly for a brownish guy. I guess I really should get my black cake on? Or should I go out and by mini Chirstmas cards a la Valentine's Day cards in grade four? Should I break out the real sized cards? Actually get gifts for folks??? "Hmmmmmmm...." (c) Arsenio Hall.
i bought people christmas cards! you should too son!
I give my co-workers boxes of Ferrero Rocher's each year, they love them :D
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