A Do Run Run
by chinwhat at 9:53 p.m.
Congratulations for everyone who came out to participate in TeamID’s annual 8Km race! First, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsor Ruby Heer for providing us with a delicious post race dinner! Scrumptious!! As for the runners, great job everyone! I’d also like to give props to The Natty for doing so well! I’m sure I’m not the only one who was impressed by her great showing! She’s an example of what benefits come with hard work. As for those who didn’t run, well fuck you! This is a major TeamID event and you not showing is straight bullshit! I’m calling you dickwads out for next year: Cathy, Jon, Shaun and The Dooch. Such asinine behavior I've never seen!

Urgg next year watch out! I'll be in better running form! I swear the freaking rain hammpered my performance!
Yeah I hear that, gotta keep traditions alive! You got 365 to prepare/not prepare, no excuses!
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