Giving Thanks in Halifax
by chinwhat at 9:08 p.m.I’m thankful for everyone agreeing to go out east for our annual TeamID Thanksgiving excursion.
I’m thankful for my patience for I really wanted to punch Shaun for destroying me in Tetris.
I’m thankful for everyone having to drive except for me. Mang, on our way there, that 22hour trip… >shakes head< I feel ya’lls pain!
I’m thankful for The Team taking the states side route, for without it, I wouldn’t know there was a Mexico in Maine.
I’m thankful for technology for it is great. WAR GPS systems. Tomorrow today!
I’m doubly thankful for technology for it also allowed us computer nerds to have multiple laptops on at the same time during our ride down.
I’m thankful for donair. Beef and spices mysteriously blended together to form a delicious giant piece of processed meaty goodness.
I’m thankful for ai’s cheapness in picking The Courtyard Marriott, a nice place to stay especially since it offers free Interweb access.
I’m thankful for the cold waters of the maritime. Excellent breeding grounds for delicious lobster which filled my belly >pat pat pat<
I’m thankful for the multiple bees that don’t sting during my breakfast enjoyed on the patio by the waters of Halifax Harbour.
I’m thankful for Chinese people who proved to me that Halifax wasn’t exclusively full of white people.
I’m thankful for too-young girls who were in Halifax playing in a volleyball tournament.
I’m thankful for the well trained staff of the greatest lobster restaurant I’ve ever been to: The Five Fisherman.
I’m thankful for not having to sleep besides Shaun on a regular basis. Sometimes when he snores, it sounds like a baby Ewok crying. At other times, it sounds like a frog drowning in carpenters glue.
I’m thankful for the kind gentleman in Fredicton’s Harvey’s for he provided my hamburger with three slices of pickles. Thanks dog!
I’m thankful for Quebec and poutine.
I’m thankful for beautiful, well dressed French Canadian women. C’est si bon!
I’m thankful for punkage.
But most of all, I’m thankful for my friends. I don’t think my life would be as fun as it is with out them. (insert gay “aww” here)

Bravo post! I was almost laughing out loud at work!
ahah shaun and his snoring lordy
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