Be You Tih Full
by chinwhat at 1:35 p.m.
So I'm making myself breakfast this morning. Making some fried onions (yes, I eat fried onions for breakfast. What?) in a new teflon pan when I realized that this is beautiful. What is beautiful? This is beautiful:
beautiful: the teflon non-stick coating. When food freely moves around the pan with ease!
but then i realized something unbeautiful.
unbeautiful: after some period of time, be it weeks or months, the teflon begins to lose its unstickynessness. so you literally scrape your food out of the pan. As you sit down and begin to enjoy your meal you have just prepared, you notice all the black pepper flakes mixed in with your food. Then it hits you: you did't put any pepper in your food. Doh!
Since Ruby's got a fancy quote on her blog which i enjoy, I'm going to quote one myself. I found this on a table down by the 2ndCup downstairs:
So in other words, expect me to give all yous a 'thank you' punch in the face!
WAR ChowNation Heroes
beautiful: the teflon non-stick coating. When food freely moves around the pan with ease!
but then i realized something unbeautiful.
unbeautiful: after some period of time, be it weeks or months, the teflon begins to lose its unstickynessness. so you literally scrape your food out of the pan. As you sit down and begin to enjoy your meal you have just prepared, you notice all the black pepper flakes mixed in with your food. Then it hits you: you did't put any pepper in your food. Doh!
Since Ruby's got a fancy quote on her blog which i enjoy, I'm going to quote one myself. I found this on a table down by the 2ndCup downstairs:
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
So in other words, expect me to give all yous a 'thank you' punch in the face!
WAR ChowNation Heroes

Cathy, your selective reading obviously missed the part where I dissed it a few lines after. Maybe you should worry about your own blog content (or lack thereof) instead of critisizing someone elses.
And you call yourself a freind? I already got a cast iron skillet you idiot!
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